Fraud & financial investigations

Uncovering fraud to protect your business. Even the most diligent companies are vulnerable to fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and financial discrepancies - issues that can negatively impact businesses for years to come.

Our approach

Our global, multidisciplinary and culturally aligned teams provide strategic guidance, uncover facts, and offer comprehensive solutions to allegations of fraud or unfair business practices. Our clients benefit from our responsiveness and focus on the quality of execution, deep subject-matter and industry knowledge, and tailored solutions based on each individual scenario.

Our goal is to help our clients make informed, fact-based decisions and take specific actions that minimize losses, disruptions, risk, and exposure while maximizing savings and efficiencies. We also help companies to strengthen internal control systems in a practical and cost-efficient manner to minimize the likelihood of future fraud.

We help clients by:

  • Investigating relevant facts and patterns by utilizing the latest in digital forensics and data mining tools.
  • Analyzing data using proven forensic techniques including specially designed analytical tools with pattern recognition queries. 
  • Reaching conclusions by evaluating our findings, exploring collaborative fact patterns, and factoring out alternative explanations. 
  • Presenting our conclusions using methods strategically tailored to address our clients' needs, including a summary of findings reports; internal/confidential reports, exhibits, affidavits, expert reports, and expert witness testimony.

Our services 

  • Corporate investigations, financial reporting disputes, and complex accounting issues
  • Misappropriation of assets
  • White-collar crime assessment
  • Securities fraud and SEC actions
  • Evaluation of internal controls and fraud prevention
  • Continuous integrity monitoring

At Mazars, we pride ourselves on building strong relationships and becoming your trusted advisor by delivering both expertise and results.

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