Compliance services

Assuring awareness and adherence to regulations, standards, and benchmarks.

Without the impetus of a threatening letter from a regulatory agency or an external investigation, it can be difficult for organizations to justify the need to focus on compliance. In addition, the business may face pressure to focus its initiatives and limited financial and human resources on market growth or increased revenues. However, the more the organization emphasizes and adopts a culture of operational compliance, the more likely it will avoid the costs of fines, sanctions, or reputational loss. Early compliance can also serve as a potential growth opportunity and even a competitive advantage in a saturated market.

How Mazars helps 

Our team of specialists has extensive experience with the compliance and risk issues facing clients across many, diverse industries.  Whether our clients operate in financial services, real estate, life sciences, healthcare, hospitality, or technology, our compliance team can prepare the client for the regulatory environment beholden to that industry. We perform independent compliance and risk assessments, offering expert opinions on a wide range of regulations including: