Textile rental

As the leading accounting firm for the textile rental industry, Mazars provides accounting, auditing, tax, profitability consulting, succession planning, and company valuation services to significant textile rental companies throughout the United States.

Mazars is uniquely qualified to help textile rental companies improve operational and financial performance. We act as your business advisors and provide guidance and insight based on experience and hard data that help you become more successful.


ProfitPoint™ software allows you to determine profitability by account (PBA)

Transaction services to the textile rental industry

Mazars is experienced in all areas of structuring deals, arranging financing, preparing pro formas & due diligence.

Mazars benchmarking services

Mazars benchmarking data is compiled specifically for laundry operators looking to identify areas for business improvement.

Mazars independent operator groups

Our Profit Groups offer textile rental operators a forum through which they can compare best business practices in order to improve operations.